Celebrating volunteers

It’s Volunteer’s Week and we want to thank everybody who gives up their time and experience to support others.

Many organisations in the Live Well Kent and Medway network rely on the generosity of volunteers. They are an invaluable resource and their contributions underpin the work we all do.

Thank you to all the selfless volunteers who help change people’s lives.

“Our volunteers are just amazing”

Porchlight, one of the organisations in the Live Well Kent and Medway network, has volunteers for its service that supports people who feel lonely or cut off from others.

Porchlight worker Kim Isbell says: “I wouldn’t be able to do this on my own. Our volunteers are part of the team, without them we would not be able to reach the people that we reach. We wouldn’t be able to offer the service that we do. Our volunteers are just amazing.”

Interested in volunteering?

Live Well Kent and Medway does not have its own volunteering programme.

If you’re interested in volunteering for a specific organisation in the Live Well Kent and Medway network, you can find out if they accept volunteers by visiting their website.

You can find a list of Live Well Kent and Medway organisations and links to their websites here.