East Kent Mind

East Kent Mind offers a varied programme of activities and groups which aim to promote good mental health…

Your Port in a Storm

Your Port In A Storm is for people needing somebody to talk to in a safe environment where…

Windmill Community Gardens

Fridays from 10:30 – 2:30. Each week participants can attend the Windmill Community Gardens to try a range…

Community Housing Support

Support with housing needs resulting from poor mental health Tel: 0800 567 7699 | info@livewellkent.org.uk | WEBSITE

North Kent Mind – Computer Group

A structured computer course, with modular framework designed to improve computer skills leading towards employment or further education…

Register with a GP practice

NHS information about how to register with a GP and where to find a local GP https://www.nhs.uk/Service-Search/GP/LocationSearch/4 |…

Asian Mental Health Helpline

The Asian mental health helpline offers caring, non judgemental and empathetic support covering mental health and domestic abuse…