We’re funding more support for young people

Did you know: half of all mental health problems begin by the age of 14.

Sadly, most cases go undetected and untreated resulting in things worsening the older someone gets.

Early intervention is absolutely critical. That’s why Live Well Kent has funded new services for young people through its Innovation Fund.

The funding has enabled two new schemes to be launched:

Folkestone & District Mind – SELF programme
This is about helping young people (16- 25) see themselves more positively and determine what support will help them to move forward from issues they are facing. Learn more.

Ideas Test – digital initiatives project
These educational workshops are for young people who are supported by carers. They learn computer skills which can increase their chances of gaining employment. Learn more.

Live Well Kent’s Innovation Fund is regularly awarded to organisations that have new ways of helping people improve their mental wellbeing.

If you would like to apply for funding, keep an eye out on our website for news about future opportunities.